
LinkingPets history

First of all I would like to explain what LinkingPets is:

LinkingPets is an idea that came up for me back in 2006, when social networks didn't exist yet.

"Pucho" was my inspiration.

I wanted to start developing it but I couldn't, my limitations were several, the time wasn't enough and I quickly realized that it was a gigantic project.
Years went by and in 2012 another attempt was reborn... some sketches, drawings on paper, example pages, but again everything was left in the inkwell.

Three years later I set myself a goal:
"Finish it no matter how long it takes."

And so it was. Little by little it was taking shape, after all the back and forth I knew that it was still possible. And even though several years had passed, my idea was still useful and necessary.

Finally at the end of 2017, after two years of writing more than 25 thousand lines of code, I was able to release the Beta version.

An ant job. From graphic design, programming, databases, translations, everything that involves "doing" a website.

As you can see, LinkingPets is not a company, it's not even formed by a group of people: it's just me developing, a freelance work.

Having a site is not synonymous of income, on the contrary, there are many expenses: domain, hosting, marketing, legal issues, etc.

That's why, if you want to keep LinkingPets staying active and being part of our loved ones, help with whatever you can. We'll all be grateful to you.

Sincerely, Leonardo Javier Alassia
LinkingPets Founder

How to Donate?

You can make a donation with Bitcoins to the following address:


or scan it